Wetland News Spring 2024

Hot off the press, the latest newsletter about the wetland the Town and Manor is planning for Hungerford. The planning application has been submitted, the West Berkshire Planning portal is working again after a short closure, so please take a look and submit a comment to support this wonderful project that aims to increase the biodiversity of the area, mitigate flooding, help reduce climate change and provide a fantastic educational resource in Hungerford.

Recent News

On June 27th, 28th & 29th, a Hungerford Town Council led committee and Commemorative Convoys organised the most fantastic weekend to commemorate D-Day80.

After three years of planning, over twenty reports from expert consultants and an extensive and in depth public consultation, the planning application for the Kennet Valley Wetland Reserve, to be developed by the Town and Manor of Hungerford, has now been submitted to West Berkshire Council.

Spotted in Hungerford on 12th September 2023 by the Town and Manor’s River Keeper, Rob Starr, this is a rare Clifden Nonpareil or Blue Underwing moth largest of the species Catocala fraxini.

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