Town and Manor Trustees help clear rubbish and debris blocking River Kennet

Trustees from The Town and Manor of Hungerford donned their waders on Saturday to help clear the debris blocking one of the River Kennet's channels just below Eddington Mill.

Under the guidance of the river keeper, the team removed the cut weeds, reeds and other rubbish which included wooden planks, garden waste and building materials.

The debris had floated a few yards downstream from the area around the mill and blocked the channel next to the Eddington footpath.

Had this rubbish floated further downstream, there is a real possibility the wildlife in the reed beds would have been endangered.

The damage has been reported to the Environment Agency as it has occurred in an SSSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest)

The debris will be disposed of in an environmentally friendly way, but is currently lining the footpath.

The Town and Manor would like to apologise for the mess, but it was necessary to do this temporarily to allow the wildlife caught in it to return to the river.

The Town and Manor works tirelessly with the Environment Agency, Action for the River Kennet (ARK) and other agencies to maintain and protect the fragile ecology of this rare chalk stream.

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