The Wetland Survey closes on 30 June 2023
Local support, through the consultation survey, is a crucial part of the process, ensuring the nature reserve meets peoples’ needs and is an asset to both the environment and visitors.
To raise awareness and gather feedback, thousands of leaflets have been circulated, schools visited, local clubs and organisations contacted, and presentations given. Download the wetland reserve leaflet
But we need more people to let us know their thoughts.
Please would you take a few minutes to complete the survey. It doesn’t take long, and your answers will help to ensure the wetland is a success.
You can do this via the wetland survey link or by using the QR code.

About the Kennet Valley Wetland Reserve
If you’re not aware of the project, it’s the creation of a 16 hectare (40 acre) wetland nature reserve on a long-neglected water meadow, situated on the north-western edge of Hungerford. The proposal includes accessible walkways and an environmentally-friendly Education Centre.
The wetland will provide significant benefits to the environment, wildlife and visitors, including opportunities for nature recovery, improved wetland habitats, biodiversity and flood risk mitigation. It will also provide a space for people to reconnect with nature and support their mental and physical health and wellbeing.
You can find out more about wetlands on our dedicated wetland reserve page.
Encouraging Survey feedback
The feedback we’ve received so far has been incredibly encouraging, with people leaving comments that include:
“Such an exciting project for wildlife and people.”
“Wholehearted support for this project and for the enormous benefits it will bring for both the natural environment and for visitors to the Reserve.”
“It will be an excellent asset to the local wildlife and the town.”
“Incredible idea. I really hope it goes ahead.”

I think it is a brilliant idea and a great benefit to the community and the local environment.
Anonymous Survey Respondent
As well as some great suggestions:
“Benches to sit on and contemplate.”
“It would be interesting to monitor abiotic changes (carbon, pH, chemical levels) and biotic changes throughout the restoration period compared to baseline pre restoration conditions.”
The survey closes on 30 June and only takes a few minutes to complete.
Financial support is needed for planning permission
We’re also looking for funding to help with the cost of the surveys needed by West Berkshire Council to secure full planning permission.
Around £170,000 has already been committed by the Town and Manor to the project, which includes the purchase of the 40-acre site. But more is needed.
£40,390 is needed to cover the cost of the many reports required for the project to go ahead – important reports that include ecology, biodiversity, flood risk, drainage, trees, archaeology, transport, access and utilities.
If you’d like to contribute, you can do so through The Good Exchange, which will match-fund donations, effectively doubling any donation you can give.
Once planning permission is secured, we can approach larger national organisations for grants to cover the rest of the necessary funding.
We appreciate every donation, no matter how big or small – it will all go towards providing a vital space for the recovery and wellbeing of all – nature and people.
If you’d like to know more about the Town and Manor of Hungerford’s Kennet Valley Wetland Reserve, please visit or email