Hungerford resident Josiah Ingham has hailed the Town and Manor’s fund, set up to give financial help to those struggling to cope with the steep rise in living costs, as ‘a lifesaver’.
The 63-year-old is among the first eligible residents to receive a one-off £100 payment from the Constable’s Hungerford Fund, which now stands at just over £23,400 thanks to the generosity of those who have donated to the appeal.
Josiah, who has been on health benefits since suffering a heart attack five years ago, commented:

It certainly will be a lifesaver and is very gratefully received. After I applied, it was all sorted out really quickly.
Josiah Ingham, Hungerford resident
Josiah, who worked for many years in the record business, said he has been particularly impacted by the rise in energy costs and petrol prices.
He said: “I’m not putting the heating on at all at the moment and I’ve been using the open fireplace. I’d run out of wood though, so I’ll probably use this money to buy some more and put a bit of diesel in the car, which I need to get around.”
Josiah is among the recipients of the first round of payments, made in early October to eligible households. Further rounds will follow until the fund closes to both donations and applications at the end of the year.
Constable of the Town and Manor of Hungerford, Julie Lloyd, said that it was heart-warming to hear the difference the money would make to Josiah and other local people. She commented: “What is equally wonderful, is the generosity we have seen from those keen to support this fundraising initiative.”

Right from the launch of the fund, people have shown how keen they are to support fellow townsfolk who are facing difficult financial pressures; Hungerford residents looking after those less fortunate in their time of need.
Julie Lloyd, Constable of the Town and Manor of Hungerford
The Constable’s Hungerford Fund was launched in August in response to the growing cost of living crisis. The Town and Manor decided it wanted to do what it could to support those in the local community who were struggling financially.
To maximise the fundraising potential, the charity has also pledged to double every donation up to a total of £10,000. The town has rallied around to support the cause, with donations including £1,000 from the Rotary Club of Hungerford.
One anonymous donor wrote:

Thank you to Town and Manor of Hungerford for helping the people of Hungerford to manage in these challenging times. We are pleased to be able to help those less fortunate than ourselves.
Anonymous donor
Donations can still be made via a dedicated online link until the fund closes at midnight on Saturday 31st December.
Applications to the fund will remain open until the same date and time. Households in the town are eligible for the one-off £100 payment if they meet the following criteria:
- They live in the town of Hungerford
- They are receiving means-tested welfare benefits (e.g. Universal Credit, disability benefit, housing benefit, etc.)
Those wishing to apply for help are asked to email: or get in touch by post: The Constable’s Hungerford Fund, The Town Hall, High Street, Hungerford, RG17 0NF.