We’ve launched a new fund to help local families and households who are trying to cope with the current cost of living crisis.
With many people in the town struggling to manage as food and energy prices rise, the Constable and Trustees of the Town and Manor have set up the Constable’s Hungerford Fund, with fund matching pledges in place to maximise every donation.
We’re already gratefully receiving donations from those able to help.
From 1 October 2022, if you apply and are eligible for support, we’ll start awarding grants of £100 to those households in need of support.
To donate
Fundraising is now underway and will continue over the next few months, before the first payments are made in October.
Together we can make the most of every donation
We’ll double your donation through fund matching, up to a total donation of £10,000.
The UK government will add a further 25% of your donation, through Gift Aid, if you’re eligible and apply for it.
All of which means a donation of £30, for instance, could be increased to £67.50 (or £100 could become £225).
You can donate through the Good Exchange up to the 15 November 2022.
If you’re able to help, every donation, no matter how big or small, will help a struggling household at a very difficult time.
To apply for support
To help as many families as possible, support will be by household, with one-off payments of £100 being made to eligible applicants.
To be eligible, you’ll need to:
- live in the town of Hungerford
- receive a means-tested welfare benefit (such as Universal Credit, disability benefit, housing benefit etc.)
If you’d like to apply for support, please either
email us at constablesfund@townandmanor.co.uk or
write to us at
The Constable’s Hungerford Fund
The Town & Manor of Hungerford
The Town Hall
High Street
RG17 0NF

For centuries the Town and Manor has been quietly supporting all the residents and groups in Hungerford through charitable donations and management of public access lands, and I am very proud of that. With the launch of the Constable’s fund, which is specifically focused on helping those in most need, I feel that a direct approach is the best approach.
Peter Joseph, Constable, Town and Manor of Hungerford