Wide open space to think, walk, watch the natural wildlife
The perfect place to enjoy a picnic, walk your dog, exercise, or simply sit and enjoy the views and wildlife. Hungerford Common, or Common Port Down to give one of its many other names, is 220 acres (89 hectares) of ancient common land, permanent pasture, mature trees, canal and strip lynchets, to the east of Hungerford.
Common Rights have been preserved here for more than six centuries, protecting the land from development since the time of Edward III (1312-1377).
Today Hungerford Common is used by both Commoners and Farmers, who buy rights from the Town and Manor to graze cattle, and by all for recreation, relaxation and local events.
Leasing Part of Hungerford Common
Part of the Hungerford is set aside for the Cricket and Football Clubs, children’s play area and the War Memorial Ground. This was made possible by the Commoners agreeing, in 1951, not to exercise their rights for 99 years (the duration of the lease).

Ancient Roots
Hungerford Common’s name
The ‘Port Down’ part of the Common Port Down’s name comes from the Saxon and French word ‘porte’ for a door or gate, and the Saxon ‘dun’ for a hill. There are still gates at all entrances to Hungerford Common, from Kintbury, Hungerford Park Street, and the roads out towards Denford and Inkpen.
Grazing cattle
On Hungerford Common
Both Commoners and farmers, who buy rights to graze their cattle from the Town and Manor of Hungerford, produce a summer grazing herd of about 175 cattle. These are raised for beef production.
Grazing cattle also has the benefit of helping to maintain the permanent pasture and keep the trees in shape.

Photography by Darren Prestoe
Grants and subsidies
The Town and Manor is considered by government to be a farm, and each year applications are made to Natural England to support the maintenance of the area for the long-term protection of the plants, trees and shrubs, pasture, birds and animals that inhabit the area.
Protected from development by law
Through the centuries there have been many attempts to obtain the land and rights for private benefit. Today, Hungerford Common is registered under the Commons Registration Act 1965 and the Countryside, Rights of Way and Wildlife Acts 2000, 2004 and 2007. The management is operated within the constraints of these laws, with details posted on six signs at the various entrance gates.