This was Julie Lloyd’s second Hocktide as Constable.

The tithingmen were Simon Lee-Smith and Kate Edwards and they were accompanied by Aaron Scarlett as Orangeman.

The tithingmen were Steve Brunning and Jacob Downey and they were accompanied by Nigel Perrin as Orangeman.

Again we had Tutti boys alongside the Tutti girls. The party comprise of:

Amber Mollison
Amelia Coles
Ella Maidment
Jacob Thorp
Lawrence Poulton

No pool this year, but a haircut seemed to be the order of the day!

The menu notes that the Rev. Mike Sanders, gave the grace, but in actual fact it was the Curate, Rev Marcia Wadham who did the honours and was very possibly the first woman to do so in the history of the lunch!!!

2023 Hocktide Menu